Stones, stone picking, and more…

And here is what Silvie thought of Stones, Stones picking and some more :-). Prompt #7 of The Brighter Light Kid-Adult Poetry month. Follow the link to enjoy the Stones picture on Marie and Walt’s blog 🙂

Large square stones – flat like slabs 
to draw on with my crayons. 
I only need some figure outlined to fill 
with colour and with glitter glue. 

But I will pick the small round ones 
which are like bonbons 
Much easier to carry 
although not eatable at all… 

And I should go there barefoot 
for fear I’d get wet 
and cold… 
Please, Mommy, would you carry them for me? 

© The Yellow Ninja, 2013
😀 Needless to say, Silvie doesn’t like to get wet and cold while wearing clothes 🙂

Going by bike

Going by Bike is Prompt #9 of The Brighter Light project. Follow the link to see the picture and take a look around this awesome website where you can find out more about Iceland. A perfectly fascinating destination for me.

Here is what Silvy thought about it:

Going by Bike

The rocks won’t be my riding choice 
Although I like my trembling voice 
I must confess I’d rather ride 
perched on a seat on my Daddy’s bike 

The yellow area here, on the left 
Looks like there’s corn on it. 
Please, tidy up so we don’t have 
to get off our bike to walk on it. 

I see the sea and I am worried 
how are we to ride on undisturbed? 


© The Yellow Ninja, 2013


Hair, the brighter light

We have been somewhat behind, but no worries as long as we enjoy ourselves 😀

What follows is in answer to Prompt #8 of The Brighter Light Kid-Adult Poetry Month. Here you can enjoy the picture of the Sparkly Snowflakes team, as they have gathered together like the Three Weird Sisters in the well-known Shakespeare’s play: Just follow the link 

And here is my rendering of Silviya’s reflections.


Both brown and black are chestnut
‘Cause black is chestnut burnt
And brown is like my hair.
Only mine is curly, too.
Just like my mom’s
and like Auntie Cabbage
from the Vegetables’ Song.

Black is shiny like the blouse
my mommy never wears.
Shiny, glossy, smooth
like our kitten’s fur
when I squeeze her
to get some kisses.

Oh, yes, the hair…
It’s beautiful when it’s soft and much.

© The Yellow Ninja, 2013

Dress-up Like a Ballerina!

The Brighter Light, Kid-Adult Poetry Month, Prompt #4 – What would you dress up like?

Image credit: C. D'Angelo
Image credit: C. D’Angelo



In a satin dress

of sparkly pink

or silver

or better glittering

in all colours.


With garlands

that are


and glittering

in all colours.


“What about accessories?”

A wand

and wings

that glitter


and sparkle

in all colours.


A ballerina dances

like a snowflake

drawing flowers

bearing wonders

Eyes and hearts will breathe anew.

© Yellow Ninja, 2013

Home, The Brighter Light

The Brighter Light, Prompt #3 – Home, Sweet Home

This prompt is based on a photo by Rebecca Barray, which could be seen in one other post of mine. Here, however, I am posting a different one.

Image credit: Rebecca Barray


Is this house too small?

And where do you come in?

I do see a garden

or maybe a yard

to play in a tent.

Only for children

Or, maybe, a house

on a tree.


Is this house one on a tree?

Who lives in it?

I want to have a garden

with hundreds of roses

and green leaves.


© 2013 The Yellow Ninja

What? Water Bubbles

This is our poem for Prompt #2 of the Brighter Light poetry month.





made of water


clean water


And a ball

reflecting figures

captured in the ball


Made of water

Hard and capturing.

© 2013, The Yellow Ninja

What do you see?

This is a new beginning. The Brighter Light challenge began. Read about it in Ina and Andrea’s blog In Our Books. Click here for details.

Check the teams, they are terrific. We have a team from northern Iceland, Germany (though not Germans), Australia, and from Denmark, too.

So, a little bit late, here is our poem for the First Prompt. This is the first prompt 🙂

What do you see?

Prompt #1, What do you see?



“Rabbits!” Silvie shouts

“Birds,” I correct her.


“Oh, I like them.

Their beaks are large and


Like the snowman’s nose

Orange like a carrot.

Rabbits do crave carrots.

They will eat

The snowman’s nose.”


“So… the birds?”

I venture.

What do I know

Of birds and rabbits,

After all?

 © 2013, Yellow Ninja