My small stone of 5th Jan

Hello there! Waving from the sunny coast with another small stone for the River of Stones.

“driving seems to be all-present these days. as does the sun. and the brilliance of the weather… hoping that will last some more days. thought i saw a blooming bush along the road. turned out to be something else. still, it feels like spring. oh, how i want spring to come…”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

My small stone of 2 Jan.

Well, today is a totally different day from yesterday… River of Stones

“Sun shining bright. Today combined with warmth. Driving brought peace to my heart. My face still feels itchy from the high-factor sunscreen.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Hello… (a postcard poem) – NaPoWriMo 2011, day 2

For today’s prompt, write a postcard poem.


Hello from me.
From here.
From now.
I travelled well.
The place is great.
And sunshine is about
To spill all over my despondent brow.
No rain.
No more.
For now, at least.
Until the evening clouds
Believe that day is past
And storm the sunshine from around.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva