who do you think you are


A very good question, asked by Marie Elena and Walt at Poetic Bloomings – Prompt #66


Mellow as a rotting melon

Arrogant beyond belief and reason

Raw and rigid as barbarian

Interested in plenty things, ignorant of most

Young in spirit, yawning all the time

Ambitious to leave a trace, futile.


Kilograms of tears, kilotons of explosion – all too easily spent

Outstanding when it comes to theory

Loving mainly herself

Enthusiastic to dive in regular depressions

Very hard to please, impossible to live with

After all that above, should we really care?


2012, Mariya Koleva


Coming home to daddy, Poetic Blooms #55

Poetic Blooms #55

Coming Home
To daddy
And see him leaning on the kitchen sink
Washing dishes
To see him arrange them neatly
On the drier rack
To see him
Look at me with that amazing love
I can’t help weeping for

Just coming there
In my every dream
And wonder, upon waking,
How can I be seeing him
Still there
And nowhere else?

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Potent, Poetry Jam

Poetic Jam – Blind

We see
afraid to look
so blind
in our desire
to be potent

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Image taken from the prompt site

Here comes the blues, more of Day 4

Because this is the Poetry Writing Month, we should get poetic and poeming all the time, not observing days, boundaries and strict prompt requirements.

So, here is my answer to the prompt set by NaPoWriMo.net – write a poem that sounds like a blues song. It was a great pleasure:

4. NaPoWriMo.net – Blues song 

I found the road to nowhere
I say – the road to nowhere
Oh, baby will you really take me there? 

I dream of meeting someone
Oh yes – of meeting someone.
Oh, baby can you really be that one? 

I waited for adventure
Just any small adventure
Could you finance that venture? 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

I also combined this blues with the Being Poetry prompt – write about a road you don’t know 😉

Visit to a magnificent place, 50% discount

A poem about someone’s visit to a magnificent place:
Poetic Asides – Visitor’s Poem and Being Poetry – Describe a magnificent place, then count the words and reduce them by 50%

[Notes: 1. It is a Sijo. 2. The second variant is reduced by 50%]

Below the azure sky rises a blinding rocky peak,
Breath-taking with its whiteness, sublimely crushing my high pride.
I never stop coming to watch and imbibe its grandeur. 

Below azure sky – rocky peak
breath-taking, whiteness, crushing pride
I stop, watch – grandeur. 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Endurance, haiku

Haiku Heights #112 – Endurance. This may be a senryu, honestly speaking 🙂


endurance will

molest the brave of heart till

their final fall.


©  Mariya Koleva

Photo by: HMS Endurance Crew on their Antarctic expedition 1915

Miracle, Shadorma

OSI (One Single Impression) #212 – Miracle

And do you recall the rules of the Shadorma?


When I need

a blissful moment,

I only

look at you –

the bliss I find to bathe in.


©2012 Mariya Koleva


Vietnam, Acrostic


Acrostic Only, March prompts

#ATW – Vietnam

V elvety, elaborate
I   dive.
E arth shaking
T o collide
N ot far
A bove those
M ornings after.

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Image courtesy: 2mko excursions

Finding – Nov PAD, Day 4

November Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day 4 – a poem about finding something unexpected:


I roamed in darkness desolate
And thinking tones of heavy thoughts.
I closed my eyes and there it was –
a coin shimmered down the gorge.

I blinked to see adventure there
My eyes no longer shut
And not a coin, but despair
was streaming down my path.


Going up, then climbing down,
Jumping, and then ducking
Hopping, and then kneeling
I bumped into a level out.


To find something unexpected and then lose it
will leave you wondering if
it was ever there.


If the finder’s a keeper
will that then mean
the foundling’s yours?


If expectation forms possession,
its lack may form some distance.
And, finding something unexpected,
discovering your distance
from your real possession.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva

What else won’t wait? – more of Day 7

I suddenly realized that…


November never waits for you
It goes on, flies, relentlessly
ignoring your deficiency of muses
your tired eyes,
that “second best” you’re doing.

November come, November go
The one and only NaNo’s over,
And so is Nov PAD

ain’t that sad?

© 2011 Mariya Koleva