Liquidators, sevenling

The plan was to write a sevenling, which is a seven-line poem structured in tercets and containing the element of three. Yet, the three-line nature of tercet and the three-someness induced me to make it contain three tercets, so it went out of form. For the Poetic form challenge I edited it, leaving out the second tercet. Here, however, I publish it in its entirety.

The liquidators at Chernobyl,

reservists, workers, coal-miners –

some eight hundred thousand lives

Wasted – some died on site,

some died within a month

and others lingered on, oh – so on,

Went there for their children

who could live on, and play, and mourn

without them even

While we just profited by it.

(а ние просто се възползвахме) where you will read the Bulgarian poem, which is not a sevenling.

My Word Wizard Prompt of 6th Dec.

Yet another “completion” prompt from My Word Wizard of Twitter

On winter’s darkest days we

dream of summer haze

but not forgetting what it takes

to blow the snow away –


Lessons learned, Nov PAD 30

a “lesson learned” poem:


What I learned

about coffee


you needed coffee

to actually make it good.


Wrong or Right? (Nov PAD 20)

It seems I have omitted to publish my poem here.

The prompt was to write a “what is wrong or right” poem:

What is right is never left.

But can a wrong be righted by a left-hand?

Who is fair is never dark.

But who is strong, is never wrong.


Tell me why, Nov PAD 17

a “tell me why” poem


Tell me why

We even try to define

The shades hidden behind

Those weird sites, eluding our eyes,

That in oblivion lie in wait for us to find.


The theme behind November Poem-A-Day Chapbook Challenge 2010

Yesterday, at #poettues, where the poetic chat on Tuesdays occur in Twitter, Robert Lee Brewer put the question whether anyone has noticed a theme behind the Nov PAD prompts.

Here is what I fugured out:

1. Finishing a relationship and recovering from it, you Close the door (prompt 1) on your past

2. Then you are Ready to go (prompt 2) and move to a new stage in your life

3. First, you have to define your Location (prompt 3)

4. Your location may be Containment (prompt 4) – in a positive or negative way

5. But for sure, you are going through a Metamorphosis (prompt 5)

6. You need to determine what you are Looking for (prompt 6)

7. And find something which you support (prompt 7, Pro-poem)

8. Then reach some kind of an Agreement on that (prompt 8 )

9. You’ve reached a point where you should either Slow down (prompt 9) or not

10. And it is time to announce Love (prompt 10)

11. Quickly define what No one wants (prompt 11) in your new relationship

12. And persuade your loved one to Forget what they say (prompt 12)

13. Then you need to ask and answer some Questions (prompt 13)

14. Until you reach a Crossroads (prompt 14)

15. And Just when you thought it was safe (prompt 15) something happens again BANG!

16. And you start musing again what is the point in Stacking things (prompt 16)

Let’s see what comes next!

Thank you, Robert and all at Poetic Asides!

Just when I thought I was safe… (Nov PAD 15)

We are halfway now. And today’s prompt is really hard. I’m afraid my attempt is pathetic.

a “just when you thought it was safe” poem


Just when I thought it was safe

To travel alone and not looking for IT

You snapped my world shaken

And fitted my trip

As the exhausted tourist might fit with a walking stick.


Crossroads, Nov PAD 14

a crossroads poem

X Marks the Spot

This shallow river will lead you nowhere

But to its next bend meandering above

The stillness of the mountain

And beyond an intersection all-forgotten

Into a hollow holding hordes

of hidden gold.

That empty road is never-ending

It winds besides the greenery of scenes so calm

And crossing over the bridge of desolation

Into the hollow holding hordes

of hidden gold.


Why are you so perfect? (Nov PAD 13)

a question and answer poem


Why Are You So Perfect?

Your hands are so beautifully shaped;

Your legs – so strikingly great;

Your lips in a magnificent curl;

Your eyes – sunrise to the world.

Why are you so perfect for me?

My imperfections fit your infinity.


Forget what they say about, Nov PAD 12

a “forget what they say” poem


forget what they say about atheists,

we live just as long as believers in gods;

forget what they say about blondes

being the sexiest, ever so bright,

brunettes rock the world

and all things sweet that happen at night;

forget all you have heard

and all I just said;

I’m just following hot picks

and teasing your head.
