Today is Sunday, so it’s time for Poetic Bloomings! Marie Elena and Walt have offered an amazing prompt: #523 – Acronyms. I wrote several poems. You will see that the first one not only has the acronym as a title, but is an acrostic as well. The other two only use the acronym as a title.

Trying to squeeze it all in a
Lame-looking sentence, all I wonder about is:
Did I do it

SSDD – Same stuff, different day
Another year came,
Looking and feeling just like
The previous one.
At least on Day One.
Let’s wait and see whether
It brings new things on our dish,
Such as peace, or friendship
Or joy, if nothing else.

So tempting – to point to one person
And name them the greatest.
So hard, all the same.
I try to remember the time I could easily do that.
While now… well, now, I constantly wonder
About details and methods to measure
And align it with “Of All Time”

© 2025, soulmary

Go ahead, visit their blog and read more poems in the comments!

Endings To Beginnings

Another Sunday, another interesting prompt on the Poetic Bloomings website. The topic of endings and beginnings, and their interrelation is really intriguing. Is the beginning of something the ending of a process or a state of things? How do we decide whether an event is the end or the start? I suppose, it depends of which side of the river we are on, figuratively speaking. So, here are two poems I penned on this prompt, and the second one is a Shadorma.

Endings to beginnings

Night ends the day,
Dusk cuts the light,
A wrong will destroy the right.

But the beginning of healing
Isn’t the end of all disease.

Are endings more powerful
or it is a trick of false beliefs?

The End – A Shadorma

The end starts
Only when we quit

The end comes
Uninvited in our hearts
Through their gates ajar.

© 2024, soulmary

Water Brings Life, Water Takes Life

Such a long time has passed again, but here I am, drawing inspiration from my dear friends at Poetic Bloomings web site. The prompt is interesting for me right now, particularly because so many places near my country recently suffered extreme weather. Of course, water is part of life and a source of life, indispensable to us all. Still, it can go to horrifying ends.

water picture
Image by Gerhard B?gner from Pixabay

Makes up our cells
Gives life a running cause
Brings joy to lonely fields
And so much more…

Until it floods all places
And we run in horror,
Screaming, grabbing things
We think we need
Forgetting what and where and who
We are…

Ironic that the sad dessert
Will not hear of the floods
That drown our homes
Off their cozy safety.

© 2024, soulmary

Prose Is Poetry, So We Stay

And So We Stay

Credit to: Emerald Depths on DeviantArt

Who would go with me, if I were to go away? On this bright day, so many years ago, in a Dark Room did I stay, expecting the most wonderful miracle in life – the coming of new life.
Who would cry with me, if I decided to weep without any solace and without a pause? Why would I decide that? Who knows. Is life what expects us or is it what we expect? Death, same question. Stillness covers the ground with grey and gold. Eyes open in sadness to see the day is beautiful ahead, life goes on and buds will open to bloom. Very soon. Love, it seems, remains. The heart won’t get still and so we stay. To enjoy. The new day.

This is my offering for the latest Poetic Bloomings poetry prompt PB #475 – Prose is Poetry. That is the reason I wrote it in a block text. I can see where the line divisions should be and will make a visual as I imagine it. Right now, however, to keep to the prose character, I will leave the text as is.

Shall We Dance

Glamour is pouring out of pubs and clubs
along the shoreline
And the summer clamour
Is everywhere around
I get lost in the sweet and sour flavours
Reaching my senses from the crowd
Restaurants and Ferris wheels scream for joy
Shall we dance until the crack of dawn?
(c) 2023, soulmary

This poem was created with several prompts in mind:
Wednesday Prompt 657: A summer poem, and you can see many others here As always, excellent works.
Friday Writing 81: City dreaming, a blog for which I write for the first time.
Poetic Bloomings 443: Shall we dance? But of course we’ll dance, why even ask 😉

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

Blessed with peace,
On the brink of monotony.
Running from the havoc,
Running from the boredom,

When are we going to make up
Our minds,
Our passions,
The fire in our hearts?

Oh, wait! Is this smoke coming out
From our lips
Or is it a sigh,
A smile,
A smirk?

© soulmary, 2023

Another great poetry prompt from the Poetic Blooming site. Check it out, read some excellent pieces and dive in one of my favourite poetry communities.
Blessed Be!

Our Yard Today – Haibun

Joyfully sipping the picture with eyes, absorbing the blueness of the skies, I sit, humbly and quietly. Gazing into the distance, and then, in the tree crown towering above my yard. The gate is a portal leading to anotherness, a guard keeping our bliss within. High in the sky, birds fly their happy flights. Birds in the tree chirp lulling me into soft euphory.

Blue and blissful sky
Trees – the home for sweet songs
Blossom petals floating.

© 2023, soulmary

I’m not even sure what I did is haibun by all its rules. But it was great fun trying to do this, and this has been my first attempt at this form. Check the original prompt at the Poetic Bloomings blog and see what you can do with the prompt. Also, there are other very nice poems there to read.

Home-coming to the Bloom

Today, one of my favourite prompt sites published an interesting topic. You can read more in the process notes below my attempt at a poem. In fact, the notes are the comment I left on Marie Elena and Wolt’s site.

The long road wound to a stop into this garden
Where the fairy house still stands.

I can see white curtains in the windows,
smoke rolls playful from the chimney,
Sage drying under the eaves.

A place to see and to believe.

To think I had been away for what feels like forever, and I come to one of my favourite poetry communities in this particular moment! I remember when it started, in the spring of 2011. Marie Elena and Wolt were already in creative cooperation on Across Lake Eerie (forgive me if I mistake the title), and this space appeared on those creative grounds. I was in a particularly sunny place in my life and universe back then. I “poem-ed” happily away, day in day out. Recently, I woke up to the idea I should come back. My problem is I haven’t used English for a long time, and haven’t written any poems, in whatever language, so I step on shaky feet towards embracing this idea.

When I visited the website a couple of days ago and saw you still post regular prompts, I felt warmth, almost like coming home from a hostile and tiresome journey. Now, that I read the opening sentence of this post, well, honestly, I’m not sure what to say.
So, I’ll say Hi and happy to see you, Marie Elena and Wolt. I hope you remember me ?

And so that you can enjoy the wonderful work the two of them have been doing for over a decade, please visit their blog. The experience will be enriching, inspiring and lovely.

Exercise in Poetry Thoughts

Inspired by my friends, Marie Elena and Walt, on their blog, Poetic Bloomings. This is a list of words: walk, Autumn, carrot, lake, race, embrace, song, throw, annual, ego – and as the first step of the exercise, we need to write a sentence using each. Sentences are not connected, however, they need to have some poetic potential.

1. I walk alone in the garden of Eden where flowers bloom in fairy tale haze.
2. Autumn follows summer playing with it, not chasing, just singing in a duet of increasingly ragged tunes.
3. The best sun screens for children contain carrots thus making a jolly triangle of orange childhood.
4. Mirroring the snow-white peak is the lake, quietly caressing me.
5. You can’t win at a rat race unless you’re a rat.
6. Yoga teachers always say, “Embrace yourself”. Are we allowed to pray?
7. Who can hear the song of the cricket?
8. Throw a ball of snow.
9. I used to take part in annual competitions, I used to be thrilled and wanted to win.
10. One’s greatest struggle is the one for subduing one’s ego.

To see other poets’ worthy lines, Poetic Blooming website is at a click distance.
I can’t wait to see what the next step will be.


Sweet and Bitter Stuff of Wonder
where I stash away my ramblings,
in dark corners (as I believe)

where I add some sweet, but mostly bitter
words that show my wonder at the sad world
and my wailing soul
(which wails for no obvious reason, my reason is stupefied)

Where are the sweet pieces?
My name translates as
“Sea of bitterness”
A coincidence?

Written for a prompt site for which I haven’t written for a long time, the community of my friends Marie and Walt, Poetic Bloomings #210 – Whatchamacallit.