Another Love and Anti-Love Set of Poems – Day 9 of April PAD

So many times I have written a Two-for-Tuesday Love-Anti-Love set, that I thought I couldn’t do it justice. Still, I think these two pulled just right. The first one is Shadorma, and the second one derives from my favourite musical of Chicago and the famous piece “All I Care About Is Love” where the lawyer plays the generous type. Here is the video for you to enjoy:
And now, for the poems

Love is when
you make me coffee
all mornings

Not asking
what type I want or when but
simply knowing it.



“All I care about is Love
That’s what I’m here for”
Billy Flynn, Chicago Musical

The lawyer loves the money they pay,
the scandal they make,
Sensation for Miss Mary Sunshine’s newspaper
Jealousy for the husband’s repertoir.

Love is the theme of many a mellow tales,
many a lies
and the songs
cheaters lull us by.

Anti-Love could be a topic
for a rhyme worded on a
beach at the tropic.
Of Cancer
Or Capricorn?
Who knows? Or who cares?
Anti-Love is a bug in which
we all stare.

©2024, soulmary