
Here I am, back to Sunday Wordle and my poem take on their amazing prompt #122


If you stay
And let me get your heart
Persuaded to share this with me.
If we remain nestled and lovely,
That period would be a tribute
To the years that I dreamed
alone, my eyes fixed on the floor,
space throbbing in degrees
of pangs and brilliance.

If I can get you
and let you
stay persuaded.

©2013, soulmary


November Poem-A-Day Chapbook – Paradise

Image credit: Rebecca Barray



Is all

With you.

© Mariya Koleva


How cool is it to be writing to your own prompt! Very cool! And very serious.

November PAD Challenge 2012 beginning: Click here to read more

Image credit: Wikipedia


strike a match

with that gentle touch of your

hand which holds my

heart agile and waiting

afloat long waking

Believing in the magic of

that unmatched and




fire of your breath

applied to my cold cheeks

That irrational thrill in my

dreaming memory of a

“Safety Matches” box

I still cling to

at night

© 2012 soulmary

Warmth amazing, Day 13

Somewhat belated, yet my contributions for Day 13 of the Poetry month, along with its Poem-a-Day challenge are here:

1. Haiku Heights – Warmth 

The wind howls

Like a wolf outside

Hearth warms heart.


2. Poetic Asides – Something  poem 

Something stupid 

You talk of engines
And of piston heads,
The turns they make,
How they rotate
And how all that
Transforms into a drive 


I watch the movement of your lips
And listen to the murmur of you voice
It is a gentle stream that glides and slips
And then all that
Transforms into a dive. 

© Mariya Koleva

Doubt, no doubt…

NaPoWriMo, Day 4

1. Haiku Heights – Doubt

A bird in a bush
Blossoms fragrant, warbling spills
No doubt in her heart


No doubt in her heart
But the pure stifling cold of red


Exasperation –
Insanity’s middle name
A bird in a bush.

2. Being Poetry – Uproar 

Two boys and a girl
Their parents –
Friends from teenage
Trying to make up for
Time so long
Trying to cast a bridge

Two boys and a girl –
Clatter, clamour
Crush and break
Toys around
Below and above
You step on them
Silence is forbidden 

Two boys and a girl
Trying to cast a bridge

Parents too tired to mind
Too happy to reproach
Too deaf to hear.

3. Poetic Asides – 100% something

You are 100% awesome!
I’m 100% there for you!
Are those eyes of yours
100% green?
Or I am only
100% taken in?
100% stunning –
that’s how I see you
100% stupefied –
that’s how I get
when I finally see you
for looking at you
blinds me

© 2012 Mariya Koleva


“Connections are everything” sets the spirit of the poetic prompt at the Poetry Jam this week. This week is also my first participation there, and I am headed to make it count 😉

Love Poem, (by the way)

Connect with me
Through that thought line
That keeps us both
Awake and waiting
At both ends of the phone line. 

Relay to me
Through that hectic confusion
Caused by our sleepless
Caustic mornings after.
Devoid of touching you.
And haunted by frustrated dreams. 

Relate to me
Using that old-fashioned
Bunch of flowers
That will invariably die
Uncared for,
On the kitchen table
Where I tossed them
Before I tossed myself
Into your arms 

Forgetting thoughts
and phones
and dreams. 

Get touched
And stay connected! 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Image courtesy: The Poetry Jam web site

Miracle, Shadorma

OSI (One Single Impression) #212 – Miracle

And do you recall the rules of the Shadorma?


When I need

a blissful moment,

I only

look at you –

the bliss I find to bathe in.


©2012 Mariya Koleva


Vellicate, OSI

The prompt of OSI this week:


Green eyes will

Vellicate me so

I won’t go.


© 2011 Mariya Koleva


Българска версия

Твоите зелени очи

ме вълнуват така,

че просто не мога

да продължа.


© 2011 Мария Колева

Blame your green eyes, Nov PAD 27

a “blame the —” poem


Blame your green eyes

And their glamorous reflections

In my heart’s pace.

Due to them

My blood ran hot and fast

And still your greenness

Cuddles me in that

Soft forest.


Just when I thought I was safe… (Nov PAD 15)

We are halfway now. And today’s prompt is really hard. I’m afraid my attempt is pathetic.

a “just when you thought it was safe” poem


Just when I thought it was safe

To travel alone and not looking for IT

You snapped my world shaken

And fitted my trip

As the exhausted tourist might fit with a walking stick.
