Just a Joke – Day 18.2 of April PAD

I Have To Be A Guitar Player In KISS
If I am a KISS player
I’ll get to wear
the most fearsome make-up
which will make up
for worries and low self-esteem
Relying on others to bring
and keep up my spirits
will be the lowest possible
point I could ever dream

© 2024, soulmary

Notes: Yes, it’s a joke after the nice prompt at NaPoWriMo.net.

Love poem, Nov PAD 10

a love poem

In all things done and then undone

I’ve walked, and looked and waited, too

In truth believed, then un-believed,

For I was seeing and un-seeing you.



“How long will you love me?” they often ask,

“You always say that Love is forever.”

“Love IS forever,” my answer is clever,

“Its objects, however, won’t last.”