My Flowing Verse Will Hear Your Heart

Flowing with the current
my flowing verse.

Can you or can’t you
do it yourself
dye it in your favourite colour?

Hear it say
‘I love you.’

Flow, my versatile verse,
canning the can that is doing to do.

Hearts and souls are abundant
for you.

© 2024, soulmary

An amazing prompt today, at Three Things Challenge #M604 – Flowers / Candy / Hearts. Truly deserving the attention in the spirit of today. I am not a fan of this holiday, as it was introduced in my country later and somewhat artificially. Anyway, love is the most important thing in life and it has to be celebrated day in, day out. Celebrate and enjoy other poems at the original prompt site above.

The murmur of your heart

What can I say? I just hope April will be as generous 🙂

Here are some Heart Photos by my dear friend Becca. Check her blog and her amazing works 🙂

Image credit: Rebecca Barray
Image by Becca
Image by Becca


You can never stop the murmur of your heart

Nor do you need to.

Be not afraid where you may go

while following,

But where you may end up

blind and “rational”.

Fear what it might do

should you try to cheat on it.

© 2013 soulmary

Travel poem – Nov PAD, Day 23

Day 23 demands a travel poem


trip taking
decision making
heart breaking

homecome for me.


© 2011 Mariya Koleva

No one wants to be alone, Nov PAD 11

a “No One Wants To…” poem:


Inside a beast’s heart
sleeps a kitten who has forgotten
how to purr;
Yet, no one wants to be alone.
На всеки звяр в сърцето
дреме коте, което е забравило
да мърка.
А никой не иска да бъде самотен.


Ето и партньорът:

в Ден 25.