Day 11 – A Forgiveness Poem

Am I disclosing too much,
Or just stating the obvious, girl,
When I say that you stink in forgiveness?

Have you noticed that, already
In the special nooks of your fatigue
And your bright days,


Curiously, or rather not, black used to be my favourite colour when I was a teenager 🙂 Just like any other teenager. Later, when I passed that ‘girlish’ period, I realised black was the lack of colour, so how could it have been my fav ‘colour’? Weird little creature, I was. And sometimes, still am.

Haiku Heights, 2013 September Heights #21

black for september 2013
Image by: Habter


My lack of colour
To lull the bleakness inside
Forgiveness for all.

© 2013 Mariya Koleva

Looking for…, Nov PAD 6

a “looking for —” poem.

Looking for forgiveness

When you’re at the end of the road

It’s somewhat late for forgiveness

You don’t give it up,

For you can’t give it up.

What more can you hope for –

But the final remnants of you

To get cleaned

And stupefied

By the illusion that forgiveness really IS.