Benching In The Field

Another episode of ‘long time no see’ and here I come again to Magpie Tales’ poetry prompts, which I enjoy particularly, but haven’t written to for a … yeah, you got it.
Magpie Tales Prompt #189

Waiting in the field
Image: crilleb50 through Magpie Tales blog

Imbibing the vernacular
and waiting…
Sitting lonely among the clocks
Expecting quietly to hear
the toll of at least one of their bells.

Smoothly dressed, and neatly ready
for the storm.
It is an open field, after all.
No matter that the clocks may need some shelter.
No matter you may need someone to talk to
or just frown to.

Impaired by the numb activity
of sitting
and believing.

©2013 Mariya Koleva

Poppies, OSI

OSI – Crimson

As I look at the poppies field
I wonder Crimson or Scarlet –
Deep or clear,
Intense or tense?

Beauty reign in colour.

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Image from Wallpapers Free

Follow me on Twitter: @Phoenix_EM

Forgive in Day 7

Here is my seventh daily contribution to the Poetry Month challenge and celebration! So far, I have managed to keep my pace and hope to have the strength to do so for the remaining three weeks.

The prompt on which I poem today comes from the Haiku Heights and is Forgive.

Forgive the rain that

Falls over the sea but not

On your thirsty field.


© Mariya Koleva

Image taken from here.


small stone for 6th Jan

Well, I must admit it was a whole different day today. My contribution to the River of Stones:

“Six-hours ride through a country so sundry. Snow equals scare, skidding on the road, beware. Tree tops heavy and large with their fresh white caps. Fields in fascinating fashion keep quite, lying under their shabby quilt of white dust and memories past.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva