How to Say “I’m Sorry”

Day 17 – the prompt comes from our amazing Maxie Steer: How to_

Image credit: Emil Penchev

How to say I’m sorry

biting my lips, blinking sleepless eyes

they itch and sting with fear and foreboding;

twitches in my chest, mad butterflies

fluttering their crazy “hello’s”

in my veins,

with gritting teeth, and swooning heart

the shake in my knees

that I feel every time

I see I have to confess


All those are

small pebbles

compared to the huge abyss

I see

in my feet, I can’t cross the crevice

running in my mind

and see the dumb perspective,

the loony alphabet of misery,

explaining all the reasons why

this heart won’t run on water.

I love this pink champagne

and the bubbles

going on and off,

not saying “sorry”, or “forgive me”


Pink champagne is my excuse

to find a better use

to poetry

than writing manuals on

How to say “I’m sorry.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva