Here is a teenage snap. I love such summer prompts that get me so many years back. Though it was a bitter experience, now it’s just a sweet petit bonbon in the candy box of youth. Smiles:

The Morning After
I drank a full bottle of vodka with you
staring in your eyes, taking in all your words
of encouragement,
while listening to the Sisters of Mercy,
getting convinced by a perfectly stoned girl
that is perfection itself,
and was violently sick and stupid,
after I found my idiotic crescendo
in an attempted chat with
my new replacement,
I woke up, my head – the battleground
for millions exclusively armed with cannons,
to see you having coffee and small talk
with her again
gossiping about my
first time
The perfectly stoned Sisters of Mercy fan
nowhere to be seen.
©2014, MK
Written for the Wednesday Prompt at Poetic Asides, #274 – A Disappointment Poem and shared on the site.