I find today’s prompt rather curious
Carpe Diem #299 – Kakashi (Scarecrow)
Shuffling silently
Falling leaves and crunching straws,
Birds leave anyway.
© 2013 Mariya Koleva
Sweet and Bitter Stuff of Wonder
Brought to you by Mary K
I find today’s prompt rather curious
Carpe Diem #299 – Kakashi (Scarecrow)
Shuffling silently
Falling leaves and crunching straws,
Birds leave anyway.
© 2013 Mariya Koleva
My poetry friend, Kristjaan Panneman from the Carpe Diem haiku blog, has an interesting prompt for haiku lovers. We are supposed to read a poem, get inspired by it and create our own haiku. I found the story behind, and the poem itself really attractive and intriguing. To cut the long story short, go over there and see for yourself. Krisjaan has a magnificent way to introduce prompts, I really love his presentations.
Here is my haiku:
Carpe Diem – Distillation #2
My eyes believe not
Her face is on the pyre
Evening sky falls apart.
© 2013 Mariya Koleva
Carpe Diem #280 – Conversation
Always in my mind
Before my eyes weird
Blabber out all folly.
Night silence to catch
my whisper as I try to
save my breath inside.
Harmony flows of
Somber light shaping belief
My soul acquiesces.
©2013, soul mary
Here I am again, with the great Carpe Diem Haiku meme. As I can’t access my personal profiles in the Internet and use my own social profiles, it takes me some time to post. Yet, I always enjoy company. So, here it is:
Magic Fields – Prompt #277
Below the quiet
Sunshine of clouds and storm
We stare in dismay.
©2013 soulmary
I haven’t visited to write there for a long time, only to read. So, here I come again with a haiku for Carpe Diem’s #275 prompt – Longing For The Unknown
longing for the unknown
where it will remain
summertime of chaos
©2013, soulmary
My good haiku friend, Kristjaan has been very persistent since last October when he first started the Carpe Diem meme. And I must say, I’m really glad he is doing it so well. I love to see so many poets sharing haiku on his prompts! After somewhat longish absence, here I come again. Oh, and by the way, he is holding a charming theme month, Tarot – especially dear to me, as I used to be so enthusiastic about Tarot in my late teenage. I still have the deck and the deciphering book, of course. Only, my hubby doesn’t encourage me to open either 😀 and I believe he is very right about insisting on that.
Carpe Diem #189 – The Emperor (IV)
of one so lovely
and fearsome you remind me
my heart is with you.
© 2013, soul mary
Have you ever heard of a weeping cherry? I never have. Obviously, it exists. The most amazing thing about art is that you may write about anything, even if you only imagine it. No need for reality. At least, that much of reality. Of course, strictly speaking, we wouldn’t go far without a standing point 🙂
After a long absence from haiku, I am back. I hope this one is not too clumsy.
Carpe Diem Imagination #4 – Weeping Cherry Thanks to Kristjaan, a worthy haiku poet, friend of mine 😉
weeping in blossom
what heart sees, eyelashes feel
pink cherry weeping
© 2013, Mariya Koleva
I know I have poemed a few times about the Moon, and here it pops up again, this time as part of the October daily meme at Kristjaan’s blog
Carpe Diem #05 Moon
Wolfs howl at the moon
Eternity bonds their bones
Space enmeshes us
© 2012 Mariya Koleva
For the World’s Animal Day, Carpe Diem #04 Animal
Curled in curiosity
Stunned by evil
Soul and heart as mine
© 2012 soulmary
Burden of no shape
Greyish veil before my mind
Never am alone
© 2012 Mariya Koleva