The Sombre Chapbook

For some time my beloved Emo has been urging me to put together a small chapbook as a way of getting my poems in order and as a first step towards marketing my skills (which he lovingly refers to as “talent”).  No need to mention that I agreed right away and since then,  I have been thinking of a title for that chapbook.

Finally,  early this morning,  as I was putting on my sunscreen,  it dawned on me!  It will be a “Sombre Chapbook”.  (Are you able to see the subtle link that emerged in my mind –  sun protection and the coming autumn?)  I will put it together and “release” it in time for the autumn “fall of the leaf”,  so that my poetry-loving friends may enjoy a small,  but,  I hope,  precious addition to their melancholic Sunday afternoon readings.

Further news to be cast shortly (or,  to borrow Adi’s expression [which has also been borrowed]):  “earlier or later”.

What got you here… – NaPoWriMo 2011, day 1


What got you here?
I wish I knew.
It was just walking,
which turned to climbing
and then it was a sheer fall,
that may have been a flight
into this wintry cottage
of blooming peaches all around
where gold was falling to the ground
and turning into autumn leaves.

What got me here?
I wish I knew.


© 2011 Mariya Koleva


A lot of questions have been asked

And from the inside comes the task

To point out rules

To put them forward

Description follows

Descend will fall in

While autumn leaves

White clouds will stay

Red leaves remain

Remain the same