Self-Portrait, Day 7

Welcome back 🙂 I have been around but not often enough here. I’ve been poeming, for sure, yet time is never sufficient, so a great part of my recent poetry appears on paper.
April Poem-A-Day 07 – Self-portrait

What is a ball of tangled ropes,
or a bowl of wiggling noodles?

What do you seek in the mirror?
But your depression and self-ruin,
the harsh words you have stored
for your own tiny wrinkles,
and especially for those
not too fine ones, the ones
you try to hide in vain.

Veiled behind a hollow story,
still worthy of your smiles,
love cuddles quietly.

© 2014, MK


April Poem-A-Day 05 – Discovery

Image by: phyzer
Image by: phyzer

Blinking in amazement,
or shuddering in the cold –
harps don’t sound so sad
when you’re not alone.

Full to the brim of the smiles
we plucked from lips and cheeks,
our ocean will disguise
what we have sought and never seen.

Somewhere on the beach
sorrow lies asleep.
Hush! Don’t ever wake it –
of it, we have no need.

©2014, MK
Featured image: kaioshen

Since, April Poem-A-Day #04

The poems today are great. I read so many takes and different angles, that I was glad I had written mine first.
April Poem-A-Day 04 – Since ….
Poetry Month
Since dawn
darkness has been crawling
and subtle.

Since birth
vultures have been watching
and seemingly asleep.

©2014, mariya koleva


April Poem-A-Day 03 – Message

Image by Vladstudio
Image by Vladstudio

I heard the fourteenth strike of the clock.
It told me time has extended like rubber;
it showed me there were sounds
marking things non-existent.

what I actually heard
was the fourteenth strike of the clock
and I wondered.

©2014 Mariya Koleva

Beginning, April PAD Day 1

It is April again and the Poem-A-Day is in full swirl. This year, Robert really rocks 🙂 Just hop over to Poetic Asides and see what I mean. He has invited judges for each day who will choose a poem a day to include into this year’s Poem Your Heart Out anthology. Well, that’s the short of it. You can find the details, plus info on the judges here. The general guidelines are as usual, no need to go too deep in them. So, I think it’s time to start off poeming.
Here is my April PAD, Day 01 – A Beginning Poem; An Ending Poem

Image by: Joe Maccer

What I won’t miss
is the clumsy lump
blocking my throat
in the beginning.

What I expect is
blessing for my nervousness
springing from the timid
welcomes of tomorrow
and the weeks to come.

What I get,
is the sure ending
or liberating me.

I never know which to prefer
So, I try not to.

©2014, MK