Day 4: Apologetic Poem

Today’s the day I apologise to my younger self that I didn’t manage to become what she always wanted.

For every breach of promise,
I apologise to you.
I see every step away from your dreams
As a breach.

Not only promises set in stone,
Signed with your name in bloody letters
In a book somewhere
Are important,

But dreams as well, your secret hopes
To be what I never rose to become

Going astray from them is bigger a breach,
I believe,
As it cuts to the quiver, as it betrays our deepest secret

I apologise for letting you down
And letting you turn into an everyday family thing
Instead of the herald, or the star, or the Captain Amazing
Which you are
In your heart.

(c) 2018, MK

Apologies accepted, another Day 3

Let us continue poeming as the last minutes of Day 3 ticked away before I could post this. Here is my Third 3rd prompt for the day. It comes from Poetic Asides – apologetic or non-apologetic poem. I’m sorry or not.



My tired eyes

have said it all

Exhaustion’s grip has made me humble

My eyes of languor

and dreams of linger

apologise for staying longer

than time and patience

for which we had,

indeed, agreed.


© 2012 Mariya Koleva