NaPoWriMo, Day 6 – I hope this small collection will be well-liked 🙂
1. Haiku Heights – Hope
Hope dawns with each day
Skies redden and glow with it –
Sunrise and sunset.
2. – Animal
A mother cat will
look upon her litter as
Tigers in waiting.
3. Being Poetry – Sweat
Do you remember that winter?
You left the windows open
And yet you sweated.
Do you recall now
That warmth within
Which made you sweat?
Or do you sweat now
only for the awkwardness
of a silly situation
I put you in
4. Poetic Asides – Hiding
Conceal those tears
And make me believe
There is nothing but joy.
And make me believe
We are overly happy
To be here and now.
There is nothing but joy –
“As is” clause
fully operational
In hiding.
© 2012 Mariya Koleva
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