Shy – JusJoJan 9 2025

Yay! A new challenge to try my pen at! You can read all about it on this blog. Today’s prompt is Shy. Being one of those who were incessantly accused of that personal characteristics, I happen to know a thing or two about being labelled shy and being unable to prove the label wrong. Maybe, it was not wrong all the time, after all. I penned down two short pieces, the first one a shadorma and the second one an acrostic. Enjoy!

When a child,
Always labelled shy;
Fought it back.

Shyness winks
At me in secret these days.
The world expects us.

Secretly admiring the loud and fabulous girls,
Hoping to brush against some of their splendour;
Years passed and she is still in the shadows.

© 2025, soulmary


Today is Sunday, so it’s time for Poetic Bloomings! Marie Elena and Walt have offered an amazing prompt: #523 – Acronyms. I wrote several poems. You will see that the first one not only has the acronym as a title, but is an acrostic as well. The other two only use the acronym as a title.

Trying to squeeze it all in a
Lame-looking sentence, all I wonder about is:
Did I do it

SSDD – Same stuff, different day
Another year came,
Looking and feeling just like
The previous one.
At least on Day One.
Let’s wait and see whether
It brings new things on our dish,
Such as peace, or friendship
Or joy, if nothing else.

So tempting – to point to one person
And name them the greatest.
So hard, all the same.
I try to remember the time I could easily do that.
While now… well, now, I constantly wonder
About details and methods to measure
And align it with “Of All Time”

© 2025, soulmary

Go ahead, visit their blog and read more poems in the comments!

NovPAD – Day 3


Creating funny animals with blue and pink balloons in
Order to display the celebration of
Renaissance or our
Recreation, we, indeed, are trying to
Escape the depth of mortality, or just
Suspend it for a while.
Pretending we are joyful increases
Our pain and then we
Need to disperse the
Darkness that stands for our lives’
End in order to prove the
Nether realm of reality actually
Corresponds with the brightness
Eternally beaming from our hearts.

© 2024, soulmary

Exit – Day 30, November PAD

Enter the protection mask!
Xerox it for cheaper use
Inside, I anticipate
Terrible futures, so many of them.

© Mariya K, 2020


Confession – Day 19, November PAD

Closing my hands before my heart
Obliviating all that I know,
Neglecting signs and prophecies,
Facts, but also fiction,
Escaping beyond the realm of everydays,
Silently and
I go
On, and I do
Not plan to stop.

© 2020, Mariya K

Easy and Difficult – Day 10, November PAD

Early signs
Arrive at my threshold
Surprise will be
Yours today!”

Diving into tremor
I feel I am
Facing and age-old dilemma,
Flight or Fight”. My mind races
Irrational as to what’s next.
Closing my eyes won’t help
Unless it does, in which case the
Less I see,
The better.

© Mariya K, 2020

Password, acrostic

Hello and Happy New year 2018! That’s a valid thing to say throughout January, so I’m totally up-to-date. Here is something small for today.


Protocol requires that
All access is allowed in exchange for a
Suitable code –
Something cryptic
Only the chosen few can
Down the road

(c) 2018, MK

Did you recognise it? It’s an acrostic, and it was written for Poetic Asides, Wednesday Prompt #421. With plenty of cool verse over there.

who do you think you are


A very good question, asked by Marie Elena and Walt at Poetic Bloomings – Prompt #66


Mellow as a rotting melon

Arrogant beyond belief and reason

Raw and rigid as barbarian

Interested in plenty things, ignorant of most

Young in spirit, yawning all the time

Ambitious to leave a trace, futile.


Kilograms of tears, kilotons of explosion – all too easily spent

Outstanding when it comes to theory

Loving mainly herself

Enthusiastic to dive in regular depressions

Very hard to please, impossible to live with

After all that above, should we really care?


2012, Mariya Koleva


ONSET, Limerick and Acrostic

Today my blog features a fun Two-in-One experience, combining the Acrostic with the Limerick. The prompt I acted upon could be found here: Acrostic Only

Limerick – ONSET


One fellow took off for the town

Not knowing that he had no gown

So the moment he went

Every eye was content

To enjoy at that beautiful clown.


© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Rhythm, Day 24

NaPoWriMo, Day 24

1. Acrostic Only, SW – Rhythm

Rhythm rules the abyss

Hailing over dead wood

You wasted time alone

Timeless patterns get you

Hunting on your own

Mindful, random and forlorn.

2. Poetic Asides – Morning 

Blue highways
Rolling over
Your sleepiness 

On that blissful verge
Your dreamy blinks abide 

Still sleepy self can feel
The blue outside
Where birds are chirring 

Is there coffee steaming?

© 2012 Mariya Koleva