Sunshine Sunday, Kiten

“Sunshine Sunday” was the title for today’s blog post. Surprisingly for the end of June, sunshine has been sparse today. And yet, where I stand the sun has been shining blindingly for hours. Even amidst the grey clouds, even with the high wind.

Yesterday we arrived in Kiten, a southern Black-sea resort, for a seminar I am attending with the university. We went to the beach and had a wonderful time. We spent the night worrying if our little one had or hadn’t got sick because of the sun and the breeze. Today, it is so windy that we feel almost cold and we preferred to stay at the hotel and get Silvi have a nap. Even coffee on the balcony was a coldish experience. And yet, this Sunday is very sunny and sunshining. Silvi has been lightening it up – running, jumping, hopping, zig-zagging and chirruping, the little sparrow she is. Since we arrived she has been in literal rapture with the whole experience – we are on an excursion, we are going to the sea…

Nothing will be adequate enough to describe the sunshine of this Sunday. A perfect day, one in a million, one to remember, to cherish and lapse back to, when in gloom.

Ah, thanks a lot, Sofia University 🙂

© 2012 Mariya Koleva


Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

One thought on “Sunshine Sunday, Kiten”

  1. Oh, Mariya!!! What a joy!! Thank you for sharing a bit of your beautiful Sunday!!

    “Silvi has been lightening it up – running, jumping, hopping, zig-zagging and chirruping, the little sparrow she is. Since we arrived she has been in literal rapture with the whole experience – we are on an excursion, we are going to the sea…”

    I LOVE her name!!

    :)’s to you,

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