Crossroads, Nov PAD 14

a crossroads poem

X Marks the Spot

This shallow river will lead you nowhere

But to its next bend meandering above

The stillness of the mountain

And beyond an intersection all-forgotten

Into a hollow holding hordes

of hidden gold.

That empty road is never-ending

It winds besides the greenery of scenes so calm

And crossing over the bridge of desolation

Into the hollow holding hordes

of hidden gold.


Why are you so perfect? (Nov PAD 13)

a question and answer poem


Why Are You So Perfect?

Your hands are so beautifully shaped;

Your legs – so strikingly great;

Your lips in a magnificent curl;

Your eyes – sunrise to the world.

Why are you so perfect for me?

My imperfections fit your infinity.


Forget what they say about, Nov PAD 12

a “forget what they say” poem


forget what they say about atheists,

we live just as long as believers in gods;

forget what they say about blondes

being the sexiest, ever so bright,

brunettes rock the world

and all things sweet that happen at night;

forget all you have heard

and all I just said;

I’m just following hot picks

and teasing your head.


No one wants to be alone, Nov PAD 11

a “No One Wants To…” poem:


Inside a beast’s heart
sleeps a kitten who has forgotten
how to purr;
Yet, no one wants to be alone.
На всеки звяр в сърцето
дреме коте, което е забравило
да мърка.
А никой не иска да бъде самотен.


Ето и партньорът:

в Ден 25.

Love poem, Nov PAD 10

a love poem

In all things done and then undone

I’ve walked, and looked and waited, too

In truth believed, then un-believed,

For I was seeing and un-seeing you.



“How long will you love me?” they often ask,

“You always say that Love is forever.”

“Love IS forever,” my answer is clever,

“Its objects, however, won’t last.”

Slow down, Nov PAD 9

a slow down/never slow down poem


Take your time and save

your breath will thank you for this

relaxed ambition


Agreement, Nov PAD 8

an agreement poem


When I’m about to wake up, my fluffy kitten comes

Hops on my bed, turns on her purring;

Coils at my feet, then quickly moves,

And coils in opposite direction.

She comes before my waking

To secretly caress me,

For fear not to spoil me.


Beyond the roaring realms of sanity

A lesser god will rise to meet his fate

And trade conveniently with humanity

Most valued goods of flesh for pearls of faith.


Pro-Pasta, Nov PAD 7

a pro- poem



They say, “Pasta’s bad for your health”

I say, “Pasta’s great for my mood”

They go, “Pasta ruins your diet”

“But then I am nice and quiet”

Eating T-bones and steaks is barbarity,

Civilised pasta and bread is calamity.

So, is health what we crave, or felicity?

Is truth more important than integrity?

Looking for…, Nov PAD 6

a “looking for —” poem.

Looking for forgiveness

When you’re at the end of the road

It’s somewhat late for forgiveness

You don’t give it up,

For you can’t give it up.

What more can you hope for –

But the final remnants of you

To get cleaned

And stupefied

By the illusion that forgiveness really IS.

NaNoWriMo Week 1

The total shows 14202 words in all.

That’s what I’m very happy about. What worries me is that my plot is not going well. My characters are supposed to ACT, but all they do is TALK. They tarry too much and never seem to be ready for action. So far I have covered one week of their life and maybe until now I had to reach at least one third of my planned time-span for the whole novel.

The other worry I have is that even though I tend to write much better in English, than I do in Bulgarian, somehow this time English evades me. Witty lines come to me in Bulgarian and I have trouble fitting them in the English text. Translating would be absurd right now, as all have to fret about is growing the wordcount.

Anyway, I learn a lot as I go. Even before starting I learned how important it was to invent your set of characters and to sketch some of the plot ahead.

as to the result, we’ll see.

Week One is a total success!