NaNoWriMo week 2

OK, it’s great! Must admit it, I enjoy it totally and utterly πŸ™‚

Even before Day 15 my total wordcount was 27 737. And I learned so much in the experience. My characters, for one, took a life of their own. Completely (or nearly so) went off-track and what’s more amazing, they took to living so interesting and active lives, such as I have never lived and such as I had never dreamed of being capable to invent.

Regarding poetry, I have long come to the awareness that it lives its own life and a poet is simply the tool in the Muse’s hand. I know that for sure, whenever I start poeming with a certain intention, I get really surprised at the final result that has usually gone far astray from it, and all that for the better, too.

Now, that appeared to be true and valid for prose, too. Which is awesome! I myself want to read my novel, in fact. I really want to finish it first, which seems hard to achieve in two weeks, because I’m still not even halfway through the plot. So, I am really curious to see what will happen to my girl, Orange. Obviously, I can’t tell as yet. She will surprise me further, she will, for sure.

Thank you, Adi, for enlightening me on NaNoWriMo!

Thank you, NaNoWriMo for being there with terrifying deadlines! Deadlines seem to be working for me!

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

One thought on “NaNoWriMo week 2”

  1. Aww, thank you! πŸ™‚ I’m so happy to hear you’re having fun doing this and learning a lot too! I can’t wait to read your novel too! Btw I love your character’s name! πŸ™‚
    I say just keep writing into December, I know I will, because I, too, don’t think I’ll reach the end of the book within 50,000 words.
    Sending lots of inspiration for the remaining 13 days!

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