My Space – Day 2 of April PAD

There is a corner on my balcony,
rather a narrow area just next to its end,
which happens to be my favourite nook
when outside.

There I have all the balcony’s width and its depth
as nothing blocks me from lifting my feet
on the railing.
I have the view to the yard and the street,
but also,
I have a window just on my right
to see, when I want to,
the kitchen inside, and part of the stairs,
and also the huge aquarium full of
out-of-this-world fish fighting all day and night.

There is also just space enough
for me to stretch, cuddle or lean on the railing
still being close to the tiny retractable
coffee table where to place my book, or e-reader –
get modern, come on!

And what tops it all is its place –
at the end of the balcony,
so no one walks behind to reach other areas.
I can sit there and calm the troubles away
pretending the world is just sleeping
and about to wake to its yesterday’s glamour.

Yes, I would call that my space.

©2020 forestlove

Today, I combined the prompts given at two of my usual prompt sites. Poetic Asides ‘Space‘ and NaPoWriMo ‘Specific place‘. I tried to be specific as was the instruction of the latter, and I hope it’s an enjoyable piece overall.

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader