Happiness, A Midweek Motif at Poets United

Poets United, Midweek Motif – Happiness

First, some process notes. There is an advertisement campaign going on at the moment, appealing to us to “collect our happiness in three designer’s glasses”. The idea that happiness can be contained in three glasses only seemed funny. Then, I found this amazing glass made by a Belgrad-based designer and really decided to show it.


Cipher Glass Design by Damjan Stankovic
Cipher Glass Design by Damjan Stankovic


Measure it in three glasses.
Pour it out
and drink it chilled.

I will need buckets to take all
the stuff I’ve considered
my happiness.

I will surely refuse to count
the vessels
and the volume units
of what I’ve thought
my happiness.

I will surely refuse to
define it,

I’ll have it my way,
and let happiness define me.

©2014, MK

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

8 thoughts on “Happiness, A Midweek Motif at Poets United”

  1. Love this idea of bottling that breaks the machine (so to speak). Be happy! Oh but if you could bottle it, I’m sure there would be many lining up to buy, thinking it a commodity. And there you have it! Consumerism and advertisement in a nut shell. I enjoyed this poem very much!

  2. its funny how our flavor of happiness changes as well…what i thought would make me happy at one point in life is nearly indigestible now…oh if only we could bottle happiness…i know some that would buy it by the case…

  3. I love this perspective on happiness – having so much of it, you cant contain it. Awesome! Just reading your poem makes me happy!

  4. How wonderful to write about happiness from this perspective…I’ll have what you’re having. And the nice thing about it is, I can!

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