Reacting to Poetic Asides’ prompt for Day 6 of April PAD
Don’t sing, shout!
Remembering the times
You were politely asked
To keep more positive
And better tuned
Within the common craze
Of quiet temperance.
Don’t sing, shout!
Until you fill the air
Bursting hot with passion
Temperance forgotten
for a while.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva
I enjoyed this….great advice! 😉
Gloria – thanks! You are welcome 😉
Yeah, just go for it!
Stan – thanks!
Moderation, perhaps.But I like the idea of SHOUTING!!
andy – YEAH!
YES! If the world were full of order-followers, wouldn’t that be a tragic bore? We were all created to sing it if it’s in our hearts; write it when the muse strikes. I loved this, Mariya.
Amy – thanks a lot! I really appreciate your opinion!