Nov PAD – Day 8


Well-done for a wishing well
That has no idea how to do things right.
If I am about to climb this height,
I will need to give instructions and to tell
The well how to listen and comprehend
Things that have to be brought to their dreamt-of end.
Why is a wishing well the go-to place for so many?
Is it that the place is charmed or its depth is thought unharmed?
Well-done, my well.
Now, you go and tell your precious Nell that
Time is up and fast as we might row
We can’t be sure of those seats we purchased on the front row.

© 2024, soulmary

NovPAD – Days 5 to 7

Wow, wow, wow – the time when I could do my regular daily word count for NaNoWriMo and produce at least one poem for the November PAD chapbook have passed! I remember that in 2011 I did all that in spite of travelling every weekend for my latest Master program at university where I wrote in a notebook by hand, copying everything on my PC later. Then, in 2013, I had a full-time job and a very young child. Yet, I did all. While this year… I do mainly catching up. Fortunately, the three poetry prompts I skipped are related so I could pen down a single poem for the period. Love/anti-love, advice and frustration. Related, they are, aren’t they? Enjoy!

Beginning with love
We stroll carelessly along that beautiful river
Which brings us all joy and splendour.

Elders will nag for days on end
Their boring advice about the risk of drowning,
The danger of getting our hearts and souls
Stolen by the splendid river pirates.

After love has left to play with a new cast of actors
And a stage which is a world apart from us,
We are left with the frustration
That grannies and aunties were right,
After all.

And there – the play ends in the bitter
Anti-love mood.
The river is just a muddy swamp
Which sank our youth
And beauty and dreams to its monstrous
Ugly bottom.

© 2024, soulmary

NovPAD – Day 4


My mouth will stay shut
For the things I could shout
When seeing red are not the things
I’d want to remember myself saying.

My eyes will stray to the side
For the views which make me raise my brows
Won’t be looked away by the arrows I toss
And I won’t need to swallow
The shame of remembering it.

Ah, the nerves arrogant people have!

© 2024, soulmary

NovPAD – Day 3


Creating funny animals with blue and pink balloons in
Order to display the celebration of
Renaissance or our
Recreation, we, indeed, are trying to
Escape the depth of mortality, or just
Suspend it for a while.
Pretending we are joyful increases
Our pain and then we
Need to disperse the
Darkness that stands for our lives’
End in order to prove the
Nether realm of reality actually
Corresponds with the brightness
Eternally beaming from our hearts.

© 2024, soulmary

NovPAD – Day 2


Wearing this frightening costume
I try to chase my fears away
Yet, it attracts some more my way.

I don’t trust the fairies to help unveil
My deeply covered mystery.
And still, not willing to let go,
I plan to wear the costume some more.

© 2024, soulmary

NovPAD – Day 1

Yay, November is here! Time for the unforgettable NovPAD and NaNoWriMo where I plan to participate again. Day 1 prompt is quite romantic – Before You Leave. My difficulty is that right now I don’t have the sad angle, so I chose to mention my favourite animal.

Before You Leave

Image: mine

Let me tell you about the panther
napping in the back yard.

Waiting for my caress, she sleeps
all day and hunts all night.
A lovely creature hungry for life.

Before you leave,
take a minute to admire her
and to consider what might make you stay.

© 2024, soulmary

Verse of Today or Tomorrow

After rolling the previous chain of verse, my poem took a different path and I followed, of course. What with the recent high-school drama my teenager has been witnessing at school, I suppose, the following simply came natural.

Unrestricted Verse of Today and Tomorrow

Gossip abundant
Idleness unbound
Check your own wonders –
can’t see them around.

Wonders will wander
with nothing to stop them.
So, bullies will ponder
whether to curb them.

Bullies, not heroes –
the children today.
We step aside, crushed.
Shall we watch or run away?

© 2024, soulmary

Rolling Verse of Autumn, Love and Colour

These days, I haven’t had enough time or inspiration to sit down and poem. But I had both the time and inspiration to look out of the window and admire the beauty outside. Verse came rolling smoothly in my mind, and I took and old-fashioned pen and notebook to put them down. Here is the first bunch – celebrating autumn and my love.

** Autumn and Love **

I’ve nothing to say
and nothing to do,
but stare at the clouds
and think of you.

Every day awesome
with some blossom new.
Autumn trees are so gorgeous
and so are you!

** Autumn and Colour **

Yellow with sunshine
Brown without smile
Red for the anger
All barren and wild.

© 2024, soulmary

My Dream Was of the Rain

One more! I’m unstoppable. As is usual for the middle of the week. So, here are six words prompted by Robert at the wonderful Write Better Poetry previously known as Poetic Asides under #717. And below is my poem.


My dream was of the rain
It would fall during spring and fall
My window would remain open
letting the tree peek inside
my own soul.

© 2024, soulmary

Shall We Call The Cleaner In?

Today my poem is an offering for the Sunday Whirl #675 and today’s 3TC #M849. As the season calls for it, I welcomed the mystic magical tones to help me put this fantasy together. I remembered my late teenage and university years when autumn would push my friends and me to telling horror stories and pretending we participated in summoning rituals. I’m glad none of us actually had the nerve to complete any of those because we would get really frightened just before the rite would yield its result. So, we never saw any proof of the otherworldly. I’m glad, oh yes, I am. Right now, I’m also greatly amused. Ah, youth! Priceless and heart-warming.

So, Shall We Call The Cleaner In, Please?

Do we expect the woods to be silent,
Or our coffee brought by a waiter in deference
as the yellow leaves whirl?

Should a siren answer our call?
Or a maid take care of all?

Can we fly around the garden short for breath,
and read the mystic signs of runes set in stone?

Let’s do a circle dance where we expect
at least a magical metamorphosis.

Then, please, let’s call the cleaner in.

© 2024, soulmary

In order to read more, you may visit the prompt web sites and enjoy, enjoy, and then some!