A Happy and Sad Poem – April PAD, Day 2

I remember
the second of September
and all the sorrow it brought,
along with the hussle
of thought.

I was thinking of happy
and promises
plus hopes of sweet get-togethers

All tender caresses,
all the warm words,
encouragement, laughter
came back as if they
were here to stay.
As if they were the only way
I knew.
But they weren’t.
I knew otherwise.

Who would have thought,
in a couple of years,
a sensible creature could forget all the pain
it believed it went through,
and would focus on wisdom, love and affection?

Who would know?
This is both happy and sad
in all of its depth – beginning and end.
And the goodbye of death.

©2024, soulmary

Poetic Asides holds its traditional Two-for-Tuesday prompt today, so we are supposed to write a happy and/or sad poem. Well, as you can see, I’ve written both in one piece.

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader